There are lots of ways to get involved and connected at Polk City UMC! We welcome you to join us in any of the efforts or groups listed below!

NP Comet Cupboard Food Pantry

The outdoor pantry sits at the entry drive to the Polk City United Methodist Church and is available 24/7 for anyone in need. The outdoor Comet Cupboard is filled twice daily by volunteers.

The indoor food pantry offers walk-in “shopping” options. This indoor pantry is open the first and third Wednesdays of each month from 5:00 to 6:00 pm. There are no eligibility requirements for people who utilize the North Polk Comet Cupboard Food Pantry.

You can donate to the Comet Cupboard by bringing goods to the Cupboard itself or place them in the plastic crate by the front door of the church. Financial donations are welcome.  Make the check out to Polk City United Methodist with Comet Cupboard noted on it.

Free Clinics of Iowa

Our clinic is open on the third Wednesday of the month during the winter.  It will be open again on February 19, from 6-8 pm.  We see patients for illness, for school, sports, pre and current employment physicals, and utilize our legislative funding to provide medications, some immunizations, flu vaccines, equipment and supplies.

Patients enter the second door on the east side of the Church, marked Clinic Entrance.

Children’s Sunday School

Sundays at 8:45am 

Children ages 4 through fifth grade are welcome.

Adult Sunday School

Sundays at 8:30am in the Wing

All are welcome to participate. The adult Sunday School group is in a 6 week study called “A Disciple’s Path.”


Booked! Bible Study

Every Tuesday from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., Cindy Hickman (a recently retired UMC pastor) leads a Bible study at the church. We select a book of the Bible and read it as a group, asking questions and discussing.

This informal gathering is open to all who would like to explore the bible with others.

Bring your Bible if you have one.  If you don’t, we’ll make one available to you.

United Women in Faith

This is a group of women who combine their passion for mission, learning, and supporting others with fellowship and fun!  Every woman is welcome, even if you are not a member.

This group meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm.

Reach out with questions:

Men’s Breakfast Group

This men’s group meets on the first Saturday of the month in the Wing at 8:00 am for breakfast.  All men are invited.

Contact Dave Schelling with any questions:

Women’s Coffee Group

This womens group meets Tuesday mornings at 10:00 am in the Wing.  All women are invited and welcome to attend.

Contact Diane Lukasik with any questions:

Youth Group

Wednesday nights from 6:30-8pm
All youth grades 6-12 are welcome! You can join any time, and you don’t have to have your faith all figured out. Every summer, the youth group participates in a week-long mission trip. 

Want to know more: check out our Youth Group page
Reach out to our Youth Leaders if you have questions: