Welcome to Polk City UMC

in Polk City, Iowa

Welcome to Polk City UMC

in Polk City, Iowa

Welcome to Polk City UMC

in Polk City, Iowa

Welcome to Polk City UMC

in Polk City, Iowa

Welcome to Polk City UMC

in Polk City, Iowa

Welcome to Polk City UMC

in Polk City, Iowa

Worship With Us

Sundays @ 9:30 am

All Are Welcome!

You are invited, and all are welcome at Polk City United Methodist Church!

At Polk City UMC, there are many ways to connect,
get involved, and join us in worship, service, and fellowship!

#InTheCurrent Campaign

Throughout our fall worship series, help us flood our corner of creation with grace, and tell us about your experience!
Share your grace sightings and help us bear witness to the goodness of God!

Sunday School

Sundays at 8:45am 
We are looking forward to another great year of children’s Sunday School.  It starts at 8:45am.  Please register your children.

Youth Group Trick-or-treat for food insecurity drive

Wed, Oct 23 • 6:30 pm
Email YouthGroup@PolkCityUMC.org to let the youth know where to pick up food donations for the Comet Cupboard and DMARC. You can also donate with cash, by check, or Venmo and designate “Trick-or-Treat for Food Insecurity”

Chili Challenge

Sat, Nov 2 • 6-8pm • Luana Bank Community Room
Join us for one of our Youth Group’s largest fundraisers of the year. This is a community event led by our Church, and we would love for you to invite Family and Friends to join us and see who wins Best Chili of 2024!  Use this form to enter your chili.

Part-Time Youth Director Position

We are looking for someone to help empower our youth, promote personal development, and foster positive relationships within the church and community. Interested? Learn more about this opportunity!

Youth Group

Wednesdays • 6:30-8pm
Want to know more about our Youth Group? Check out our Youth Group page!

Booked! Bible Study!

Tuesdays from 4:30 to 5:30pm 
Cindy Hickman (recently retired UMC pastor) leads a study of the Bible at the church.  We select a book of the Bible and read it as a group, ask questions, and discuss.

Women's Coffee

Tuesdays • 10 am | in the Wing
All women are invited for a time of fellowship.

Men's Breakfast

First Saturday of the month • 8:00am | in the Wing
All men are invited for a time of fellowship.


Join us for worship in person every Sunday at 9:30am. Or worship with us online by clicking the link below.



We want to stay connected with you!

If you have a message for the office or a prayer request, please fill out our online form and we will make sure your message gets to the right person!


Here at Polk City UMC, we love to serve others! Find out how you can be a part of our outreach efforts or one of our study groups by visiting our Ministries page.

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