a place where

all are welcome

All are welcome at Polk City United Methodist Church.
As disciples of Jesus Christ, we belong in community,
we seek to become like Jesus,
and we serve to bless all of creation.

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for our visitors

frequently asked questions

Come as you are and expect a warm welcome.
What do United Methodists believe?

As a part of the world-wide United Methodist Church, we follow a set of Bible-based, God inspired beliefs set forth by our denomination. To learn more about the beliefs of the UMC, CLICK HERE.

Where should I park? Is there handicapped parking available?

There is generous parking in front with additional space around the back of the church.  We have two handicapped parking spots in front of the main church building and two more for the Wing in the Woods attached to the main building.

Which door should I enter?

Our main entrance is on the east side of the building near the bell tower.

What should I wear?

Come as you are! We enjoy casual dress at our services.

Is there Sunday School?

Adult Sunday School: Sundays at 8:30 am.

Children’s Sunday School: Sundays at 8:45 am (for children 4-years-old through 5th grade)

Is there Children's Church or a Nursery available?

Children are always welcome in worship at Polk City UMC! Our nursery is not staffed but available for families to enjoy with their children. Our Worship service is live-streamed into the nursery.

Is the church available for events (weddings, etc.)?
Yes! Contact our office by phone or email for more information:
How do I become a member of the church?
Talk to Pastor WendyShe will be happy to walk you through the steps needed to become a member of our church family!
What is the Wing in the Woods?

The Wing in the Woods is our fellowship hall, located at the back of our parking lot. Access the Wing through the church hallway or park near the building.

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Subscribe to the Polk City United Methodist Messenger, a bi-monthly email newsletter, and keep up to date with our latest mission and ministry opportunities.